Monday, April 14, 2014

UF CMIR: Teaching the next generation of journalists

As a TV3 reporter for WUFT News, I have the opportunity to work as a on-deadline, multimedia journalist (also known as a "one-man-band") on a weekly basis. Here's a story I did recently on the 90-year-old, Glenn Springs pool.

I've always wanted to be a journalist, so when it came to picking out a college, you can bet that the schools that would prepare me for my future career were the ONLY ones I was looking at. In the end, coming to the University of Florida to study and prep for journalism in the 'real world" is easily one of the best decisions of my life.

Part of this is due to the Center for Media Innovation + Research or CMIR. It includes an active  newsroom (or the "News Laboratory" as they call it), which provides students with real world experience. There are few other journalism schools in the country that can say their students are graduating with years of working experience already under their belts. I'm confident that these experiences will help get me my first job when I graduate in a year.

If you've followed my blog then you've probably seen my work. It's honestly a product of lots of hard work and being a student of the UF CMIR. This is just one more reason that it's great to be a gator!

Check it out!